Is Greatwood Underwear sold at any other retailers?

No. greatwoodunderwear.com is the EXCLUSIVE destination for Greatwood branded merch.

Does Greatwood Underwear offer discounts and promotions?

To take advantage of a special promotion, you should subscribe and enter the promo code in your Shopping Bag before Checkout. The offer will be automatically be applied when you enter the appropriate information. Offer codes are case sensitive and should be entered exactly as they appear. Only one offer code may be used per online order and do not apply to items that are already discounted.

Please read the details associated with each promo code carefully for valid offer period and restrictions. Promo codes are valid only at donjerbeauty.com

Will I be charged taxes?

We collect state sales tax on orders shipped within California

Tax is estimated at the time an order is placed and a final calculation of the actual sales tax will be reflected on your order confirmation email and packing slip.

What method of payment does Greatwood Underwear accept?

greatwoodunderwear.com accepts American Express, MasterCard, Discover, and Visa.

Email is not a secure method of transmitting credit card information, so please do not send us any credit card information via email.

Is greatwoodunderwear.com safe to shop?

When placing an order online, your information is transmitted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, an approved industry standard that is used by vendors to ensure the security of online business. It negotiates and employs the essential functions of mutual authentication, data encryption, and data integrity for secure transactions.

Will I receive a confirmation once my order is placed?

An order confirmation will appear as the final step in your order process. In addition, you’ll receive an email confirmation with the order number of your purchase! Once your order has shipped, you’ll receive an additional email to confirm shipment and tracking information. Order confirmation emails may be delayed as a result of high order volume.

Can I make changes to my order once it’s been placed?

Due to the extremely limited nature of our products, all sales are final. Orders can not be canceled, changed or modified once they have been placed. Please ensure all info is correct before submitting your order.

Can I cancel my order once it has been placed?

Order cancellation requests will be considered, but are not guaranteed. This is simply because we try to ship out orders as quickly as possible, and we cannot cancel an order once it has been dispatched. Once you receive an order confirmation by email, it means your order is already being processed and cannot be changed or canceled

What is the maximum amount of products I can order from greatwoodunderwear.com?

The product and services available on our websites, including any samples, are for personal use only. As such, we reserve the right to limit per item order quantities to 3 per product and 20 different products per order.

What is Greatwood Underwear's return policy?

Greatwood Underwear does not provide refunds or store credits. All sales are final. 


Please feel free to contact us via email at clientservices@greatwoodunderwear.com or phone (818)-743-8983. Based out of Los Angeles, CA 90005. When emailing, please include your order number and name so we can better assist you.
